
We had fun in October doing lots of silly fall and Halloween crafts and wrapped it up with some trick or treating. Here’s my pink froggy trying out her costume before the big day:

She still likes to pretend to trick or treat throughout the house. 🙂

Now that it’s November, thankfulness and turkey themes are beginning to take over our house.

I started a thankful wall (kiddo is decorating the letters, so, at the moment, it’s just a thank wall, and, in this picture it’s just a than wall):

I try and talk with kiddo a lot about being thankful, and I thought having the word up there and then gradually surrounding it with things we are thankful for could be a good activity for the month.

I liked our monster banner so much that I’ve started a turkey banner to replace it:

Kiddo helped tape a few tail feathers, but I’m not going to get up to take a picture since she fell asleep on me after a mid nap wake up.

She also worked on a little turkey today. We traced out her hand (I had her pick the turkey body color plus the feet and beak color), then I cut her out a bunch of feathers to glue on:

Soon I plan to have a turkey hand family up there 😀

I can’t believe it’s only 12 weeks until my due date, yikes. I think I’m on craft overdrive trying to squish things in before he’s here. Luckily my daughter is adept at helping herself to the art supplies so hopefully it will continue post baby, with some minor ninja like juggling. I just assume he’ll be strapped to me in a carrier for the majority of the first few months.

So, what are your plans for this month? Any exciting adventures or crafts you’d care to share? Any tips on keeping up the artyness after adding number 2?